Before beginning, ask your kids if they know what punctuation marks are and can name a few. Common examples are the period (a small dot-shaped mark at the end of sentences), comma, question mark, and exclamation mark. Help practice their use with questions in the worksheet.
Before starting this worksheet, have your kids spell some simple words. Correct if wrong and show the right spellings. Then, ask them to link the pictures to the words you read out. Spelling is key for a good writer, and kids need to know how to spell to read texts easily.
Have your kids tell you which punctuation marks they know before using this colorful worksheet. Read the sentences together and ask them to identify which are correctly punctuated. Guide them to check their answers. This simple activity helps teach kids to use punctuation correctly.
Punctuation marks are essential for expressing what we say. This worksheet asks your kindergarten student to circle the correct punctuation mark for each sentence. Read each sentence aloud and help them identify the expression needed. A picture accompanies each sentence. Enjoy! (79 words)