Enhancing Reading Comprehension Community Worksheets for Ages 6-9

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With answer key
  • 6-9
  • Interactive
  • Enhancing Reading Comprehension
  • Community
Producers and Consumers: Sequencing Worksheet
Producers and Consumers: Sequencing Worksheet

Producers and Consumers: Sequencing Worksheet

Ask your child: Who are producers? Can you give an example? Here's one: a shoe maker. What's happening in each picture? Can you arrange them in the right order? Select the number that shows the correct answer.
Producers and Consumers: Sequencing Worksheet
What Makes a Good Citizen? Worksheet
What Makes a Good Citizen? Worksheet

What Makes a Good Citizen? Worksheet

Ask your children to list some habits of a good citizen. Go through the worksheet and ask them if any of the pictures show good habits. Check the boxes of the actions that a good citizen would do to help your students understand what makes a good and bad citizen.
What Makes a Good Citizen? Worksheet
Urban and rural communities
Urban and rural communities

Rural Communities Printable

Help your child explore the contrast between city and rural living with this worksheet. They'll learn to recognize the buildings and transportation in urban settings, as well as how rural life can differ. Then, discuss the differences between city and rural living, and why life is different for people living in each.
Rural Communities Printable
How to Be a Good Citizen Worksheet
How to Be a Good Citizen Worksheet

Being a Good Citizen Printable

Help your child learn the importance of being a good citizen with this fun worksheet! It reinforces positive behaviors in the community and teaches essential skills like character. Try it today!
Being a Good Citizen Printable