Observational skills development Science Worksheets for Ages 8-9

Check out this FREE Trial Lesson on Science for age 8-9!


With answer key
  • 8-9
  • Interactive
  • Observational skills development
  • Science
Light and Shadow Worksheet for Grade 3
Light and Shadow Worksheet for Grade 3

Light and Shadow Worksheet for Grade 3

Kids are often scared of shadows, but they can learn that they're not so scary! This worksheet helps grade 3 kids understand how light rays and objects create shadows, and how they can be large or small. Teach your child with this interesting worksheet!
Light and Shadow Worksheet for Grade 3
Phases of the moon PDF worksheet
Phases of the moon PDF worksheet

Phases of The Moon Worksheet

It'll show kids the fascinating phases and journey the moon takes around Earth. They'll be amazed to learn it's not always shining!
Phases of The Moon Worksheet