Check out this FREE "Comprehension improvement" Trial Lesson for age 9!

Context Clues

With answer key
  • 9
  • Interactive
  • Comprehension improvement
Forest Fires Worksheet
Forest Fires Worksheet

Forest Fires Worksheet

This free worksheet helps kids learn about forest fires. It encourages critical thinking by allowing them to answer multiple-choice questions. It is an important opportunity for children to develop reading skills, as understanding text is essential for further academic success. Download the PDF to give them the chance to practice comprehension and strengthen their knowledge.
Forest Fires Worksheet
Volcano Words Worksheet
Volcano Words Worksheet

Volcano Words Worksheet

This worksheet helps kids focus and improve their reading comprehension skills. Start by reading a passage about volcanos and noting the bolded red words. Then answer true/false statements below, double-checking in the text if needed.
Volcano Words Worksheet
Parts of speech PDF worksheet for grade 3
Parts of speech PDF worksheet for grade 3

Parts of Speech Worksheet for Grade 3

This worksheet is ideal for 3rd graders to review tricky parts of speech! It is vibrantly illustrated and contains sentences to read through. Each sentence has a category to select the correct word or words that match the part of speech indicated. Try it today!
Parts of Speech Worksheet for Grade 3