Help Shreya get to dance class! Draw a line through all fraction models that are equal to ½, starting at the entrance marked 'start'. Guide your kids through the maze paths and help Shreya -- she's an Indian girl who practices her cultures and traditions -- reach the door to her class.
Ask your kids to complete the equations in the worksheet and find the correct numerator. Explain that numerators are the numbers at the top of a fraction and guide them as they count the shaded parts of the shapes. There are three equations to figure out.
James and his family took a trip to Peru to explore Machu Picchu. You can ask your kids if they remember certain countries or landmarks from their past trips. This worksheet will help them figure out how much of Machu Picchu James explores each day. Read the questions and help them check the correct fraction on the number line.
Math can be fun! Have your child count points on the number line, then identify and trace fractions above it. It's a great way for them to learn and have some fun!
Kids must learn to identify and name fractions to solve equations. Included in this worksheet are three equations that need solving. Have your child match each point on the number line with the correct fraction and circle it. This exercise helps build their fraction skills.
Let your kids learn about fraction and history with this printout about the Great Wall of China. Three sisters take a trip to China to visit their grandparents and decide to walk the Great Wall. Ask them to study the pictures and pick the correct point on the number line to show how far each sister went. How about you: has your child ever been to China?
Help your kids sharpen math skills with extra homework, stimulating exercises, and fun worksheets. This printout features four equations with fractions and number lines. Your child's task is to check the number lines with denominators of 4. Enough to get them thinking and learning.
Give your child a hand in math with this worksheet. It contains three number lines with points to which they should assign correct fractions. Support your child with this exercise and they'll get better at mathematics.
This worksheet introduces your students to the globe. Explain that it's a 3D representation of our planet, and highlight the Northern, Southern, Eastern and Western Hemispheres, plus the Equator and Prime Meridian. Then, have them circle the fractions associated with the shapes shown. Point out the shaded or colored sections for guidance.
This colorful and educative worksheet can help kids conquer their fractions struggles. Ask them to identify the four shapes, then the fractions they represent. They can then check the correct answers from the options given.
Teach your kindergartners fractions with this colorful worksheet. Make sure they understand numerators and denominators, then have them trace a line to the correct visual representation of each equation. There are five fractions for them to work on. With the foundation of fractions, mathematics will be much easier for them.
Kids love exploring the world? Inez sure does! She's seen oceans and continents around the globe. Your kids can help her figure out what fraction of the world she has visited. Have them name all the countries they've been to, then look at the marked sections on the printout to find out!
Help your kids learn fractions with this simple worksheet. Explain that the numerator is the number atop another number, then have them count the shaded pieces in each large square to find the numerator of the fraction. This activity is perfect for young kindergartners starting out with fractions.
If your kindergartener is struggling with fractions, don't worry. Use this worksheet to help them understand better. Ask them to count the total small squares in each large square to find the denominator, then trace on the dotted line to answer. This printable tracing sheet will help them learn fractions easier.
Teach your kids chess notation with this worksheet. They can look at the picture, figure out the move or capture for each piece, and practice writing it down in short notation. It’s not just about playing skillfully; chess players must also know how to record their moves. Improve your kids' knowledge and enhance their chess skills!
To master chess, you need more than just knowing the pieces and their moves - you need to be able to make notations of your moves. To make a short notation, write the piece name and square it moved to; for example, Bd2 for bishop on d2. Pawns don't need the piece name, just the square; e.g. g5. Show your kids how to draw lines to the board for the moves given.
Help your students learn chess notation for captures. Short notation: name piece, cross, name square (e.g. Rxd4 = rook moves to d4 and captures). If pawn, also write the file it starts from (e.g. fxg7 = pawn from file 7 moves to g7 and captures). Use the worksheet to check correct notations on the board.
Help the President get elected by counting the votes on this fun addition and subtraction worksheet from Kids Academy! Guide learners to go through each problem, drawing a line through any that are completed correctly and leaving incorrect answers alone. Get voting and have a blast!
Help kids master the concept of solving for missing numbers with subtraction. Use this cute worksheet featuring construction elements and colorful equations. Show them how to subtract to find the missing number, then circle the answer. It'll help them increase their number sense and get ready for algebra.
This worksheet combines Social Studies and Math, teaching kids the democratic concept of voting. Guide learners to observe the problem, and decide if it needs a plus or minus. They "vote" for the correct answer by drawing a line from the problem to the correct operation symbol. Tally up the votes to check the answers!
Students learn best when they can relate ideas, like the three branches of government working together and addition and subtraction working together. This worksheet pairs math and social studies to help learners make an analogy. Help your child discover the relationship between addition and subtraction by completing the number sentences under each national landmark. This will help them solve tricky problems!
Download Kids Academy's worksheet for a fun way to review science and math! Look at the magnet and remember opposites attract. Find another with opposite poles, then solve the problem on the left and check the solution against the magnet. Check the box next to the correct answer to complete this page.
Give your kids the practice they need to master subtracting with regrouping with Kids Academy's printable worksheet. It contains two 3-digit problems for kids to solve, plus colorful blocks to help them understand the concept more easily. Help your kids succeed!
Subtracting with regrouping can be tough, but visuals make it easier! This worksheet uses colorful base ten blocks to help kids understand regrouping. Go over each problem starting at the ones, and review regrouping with a picture when needed. Finish by circling the correct answer.