Critical thinking skills Easy Math Worksheets for Ages 7-9

Check out this FREE Trial Lesson on Math for age 7-9!

Short and Long Vowel Sort

With answer key
  • 7-9
  • Interactive
  • Critical thinking skills
  • Math
  • Easy
Adding and Subtracting to 1 Worksheet: Assessment 1
Adding and Subtracting to 1 Worksheet: Assessment 1

Adding and Subtracting to 1 Worksheet: Assessment 1

This assessment worksheet tests your child's addition skills. It has 3 3-digit problems with base ten blocks for visual aid. Encourage learners to use these visuals for better understanding. When they have solved the problems, they can check the box with the right answer. It's a quick and easy way to gauge numeracy development.
Adding and Subtracting to 1 Worksheet: Assessment 1
Comparing Shares Worksheet
Comparing Shares Worksheet

Comparing Shares Worksheet

Can your students identify and draw shapes correctly? If so, this exercise may be too easy. For those who are still learning, extra help may be needed. The worksheet requires students to select which shape is larger in each pair; circles and squares are included.
Comparing Shares Worksheet