Help your kids learn fractions! Even if they're not eager, teach them as they get older. Teachers will provide enough lessons and homework, but you can go a step further. Look at a worksheet with your kids and help them circle the piece that would make the pie whole.
Does your child love to draw? Why not try teaching them some easy tricks? Get them to follow directions on this worksheet and learn how to draw a house. Read the questions at the end and ensure they get the answers right. Your kids will surely love it!
Help your child read each sentence in this colorful worksheet. Have them identify the shapes described and check the boxes. To prepare, ask simple questions like "How many sides does a triangle have?" and "Which shape has 4 equal sides?" Your child will become more skilled at shapes by the end of this activity.
Point at random body parts and ask your child to name them. Point to their face and ask them to identify it. Use this worksheet to show how "face" doesn't just refer to body parts - it can also mean the flat surface of a solid shape. Check the picture to find the matching solid shape for each face shown.
Explain to your students that they can make a new shape by combining halves, thirds, and fourths of a shape. Show them the worksheet with the rectangle at the top and ask them to find which sets of halves, thirds, and fourths make it. Have them check all the correct sets.
See how your child fares in matching two halves to form a complete rectangle. Provide them with four options, and ask them to draw a line connecting the two correct halves. Put their shape knowledge to the test with this simple worksheet!
Show your child how to divide a whole shape, like a square, into smaller pieces to become fractions. Point out when a shape is divided into two equal parts, it's called a half. Look at the worksheet together, and identify all rectangles that are cut in half (½).