Vocabulary enhancement Easy Grade 2 Social Studies Worksheets

Check out this FREE Grade 2 Trial Lesson on Social Studies!

Introduction to Arrays

With answer key
  • Grade 2
  • Interactive
  • Vocabulary enhancement
  • Social Studies
  • Easy
Independence Day Arrays: Rows and Columns Worksheet
Independence Day Arrays: Rows and Columns Worksheet

Independence Day Arrays: Rows and Columns Worksheet

Does your child know when Independence Day is? They might love the family picnics and fireworks, or they may not understand the significance of the holiday. After this worksheet, they'll comprehend it better. Help them look at the images and count the number of rows and columns in each array.
Independence Day Arrays: Rows and Columns Worksheet
Feelings and emotions worksheet
Feelings and emotions worksheet

Feelings and Emotions Worksheet

Kids must learn how to deal with situations and handle their own emotions. This worksheet helps them practice empathy and resilience, making them more self-aware and confident. It also helps them to relate their life experiences to common disappointments and develop coping mechanisms.
Feelings and Emotions Worksheet