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Check out this FREE Grade 1 Trial Lesson on Place Value!

Place Value - Trading Ones for Tens

With answer key
  • Grade 1
  • Interactive
  • Place Value
Sweet Counting - Part 2 Worksheet
Sweet Counting - Part 2 Worksheet

Sweet Counting - Part 2 Worksheet

Kids adore sweets! Make counting fun with this sweet-themed worksheet. Guide your child to count chocolates in boxes of 10, plus individual candies. Group them into tens and ones. Ask: "How many ones and tens are in each row?" Check the answer and complete the practice sheet.
Sweet Counting - Part 2 Worksheet
Trading Ones for Tens Worksheet: Part 2
Trading Ones for Tens Worksheet: Part 2

Trading Ones for Tens Worksheet: Part 2

Introduce your early learners to regrouping numbers! Catch their attention with this brightly colored worksheet. See how many 10s can be created from the cubes. Then, check the box with the correct answer to complete the sheet! Download now and get started!
Trading Ones for Tens Worksheet: Part 2
Trading Tens Worksheet
Trading Tens Worksheet

Trading Tens Worksheet

Students will hone their counting skills with this worksheet. They must identify groups of 10 cubes to trade for a long. The cubes are arranged in different ways, so students must rely on individual counting. Completing this printable pdf will help 1st graders develop problem-solving abilities and a better understanding of counting.
Trading Tens Worksheet
Lets Trade Tens Worksheet
Lets Trade Tens Worksheet

Lets Trade Tens Worksheet

This free worksheet strengthens counting and logic skills. Kids will enjoy exchanging flowers for bouquets, orange slices for a whole fruit, and cube towers for individual cubes. Combining numbers and problem solving is essential for first grade math. Seeing two options helps them understand how 10s look.
Lets Trade Tens Worksheet
Practice Addition: Part 2 Worksheet
Practice Addition: Part 2 Worksheet

Practice Addition: Part 2 Worksheet

Try this printable worksheet to practice addition! It contains longer, tougher addition equations for 1st graders. Colorful blocks give kids the opportunity to visualize how big numbers are combined. Multiple choice answers help kids gain confidence in problem solving.
Practice Addition: Part 2 Worksheet
Practice Addition: Part 1 Worksheet
Practice Addition: Part 1 Worksheet

Practice Addition: Part 1 Worksheet

Having trouble teaching your 1st grader numbers and addition? Download this free worksheet! With colorful building blocks, it helps kids visualise and understand simple equations. For extra guidance, multiple choice answers are included to boost their confidence when practising.
Practice Addition: Part 1 Worksheet
Trading and Adding Worksheet
Trading and Adding Worksheet

Trading and Adding Worksheet

Help your child learn place value and addition with this free worksheet! Colorful base blocks let them understand the concept of trading ones for tens. Count the blocks on either side of the equation, add, and if there are ten or more ones, regroup them to make tens. Check the answer to complete the page and take your child's learning to the next level!
Trading and Adding Worksheet
Trading Ones for Tens Worksheet
Trading Ones for Tens Worksheet

Trading Ones for Tens Worksheet

Kids Academy asserts that mastering place value is essential for developing math capabilities, like addition and subtraction. Using base ten blocks to regroup numbers aids kids in becoming numerate, plus it prepares them for further math operations. We have an illustrative worksheet that plus provides the cubes needed to understand the process of trading ones for tens.
Trading Ones for Tens Worksheet
Addition Quest Worksheet: Part 1
Addition Quest Worksheet: Part 1

Addition Quest Worksheet: Part 1

Send your child on a mission to find the equations that equal 87 with base ten blocks! Download the worksheet to help them add each grouping of blocks and check the correct boxes for the answers. Fun and educational!
Addition Quest Worksheet: Part 1
Addition Practice Sheet: Part 2
Addition Practice Sheet: Part 2

Addition Practice Sheet: Part 2

Make sure your kids understand place value before introducing two/three-digit addition. To help, use Kids Academy's colorful cube worksheet. It provides all the manipulatives needed to solve the problem and find totals. A great way to explain the concept behind the addition!
Addition Practice Sheet: Part 2
Addition Practice Sheet: Part 1
Addition Practice Sheet: Part 1

Addition Practice Sheet: Part 1

Kids Academy offers a free worksheet to help kids learn addition with base ten blocks, with or without actual manipulatives. Help your Kindergarten or First Grader flex and increase their knowledge of place value and understand math more deeply. Download this useful page for images that will promote success.
Addition Practice Sheet: Part 1
Counting Tens and Ones: Part 2 Worksheet
Counting Tens and Ones: Part 2 Worksheet

Counting Tens and Ones: Part 2 Worksheet

Adding two-digit numbers can be tough for kids. It's essential to give them a strong foundation of numeracy and math, not just teaching them to add. Use longs and cubes to help them get a visual grasp of place value and addition. This fun worksheet can help your child take their skills to the next level, with problems featuring larger numbers.
Counting Tens and Ones: Part 2 Worksheet
Counting Tens and Ones: Part 1 Worksheet
Counting Tens and Ones: Part 1 Worksheet

Counting Tens and Ones: Part 1 Worksheet

Kids Academy has a great place value worksheet to help kids learn when they don't have manipulatives at home! It includes longs and cubes that kids can count and add to find the sum. Colorful and downloadable, this page will help kids understand addition and place value better. Give it a try!
Counting Tens and Ones: Part 1 Worksheet
Adding a Ten Worksheet
Adding a Ten Worksheet

Adding a Ten Worksheet

Kids Academy offers a colorful addition worksheet with counters in frames to help students learn to add by tens. This skill is essential for students to develop critical math skills and create a foundation for future math concepts. Visual aids aid in mastering this early skill, so get started learning today!
Adding a Ten Worksheet
Addition Quest Worksheet: Part 2
Addition Quest Worksheet: Part 2

Addition Quest Worksheet: Part 2

Does your child or student struggle with math? Help them conquer their fears with this fun matching worksheet! It can help them learn to count and add numbers confidently. This colourful printout is sure to make math learning enjoyable, so they can easily work through the numbers and add up results with ease.
Addition Quest Worksheet: Part 2
Representing Addition with Base 10 Blocks Worksheet
Representing Addition with Base 10 Blocks Worksheet

Representing Addition with Base 10 Blocks Worksheet

Solve addition problems with your little one: help them count the blocks, then select the correct equation from the choices. Circle the answer. Word play and math make a winning combo!
Representing Addition with Base 10 Blocks Worksheet
Line plot worksheet for 2nd grade
Line plot worksheet for 2nd grade

Sweet Shop – Counting Coins Worksheet

Help your child get ready to buy sweet treats with this coin counting worksheet. It'll challenge them to use the fewest coins possible. With knowledge of coin values, they'll work out the right combination to get the sweets!
Sweet Shop – Counting Coins Worksheet
Counting coins worksheet for 2nd grade.
Counting coins worksheet for 2nd grade.

Counting Coins Worksheet

It will challenge them to spend a given amount using the least coins possible. Perfect for 2nd grade. Help your child learn to count coins with this fun bakery-themed worksheet. It's perfect for 2nd graders and will challenge them to use the least coins possible to spend a set amount. Develop a valuable life skill and have fun while doing it!
Counting Coins Worksheet
Practice Place Value Worksheet
Practice Place Value Worksheet

Practice Place Value Printable

This worksheet is ideal for honing your child's place value and mental math skills. It encourages them to learn by looking at models and performing calculations based on instructions. Build your child's number sense with this handy tool!
Practice Place Value Printable
Place Value Worksheet: Transportation Math
Place Value Worksheet: Transportation Math

Transportation Math Printable

Challenge your child's number sense with this Transportation Math worksheet! They'll need to recall place values and use mental addition to solve tricky math problems. It's a great way to give their brain a workout!
Transportation Math Printable