Send your child on a secret mission! Help them open the safe by giving them the code numbers to convert into standard form (e.g. 700 + 50 + 2 = 752). Get them to circle the correct answer for each safe and see all that math knowledge pay off!
Can your child count in tens? Show them how to count 100 boxes in stacks of tens. A worksheet can help them understand the concept. Ask them to count boxes of pineapples in stacks of tens and circle the truck with 100 pineapples.
It will help them think deeper about equations, form a foundation for early algebraic thinking, and gain a better sense of numeracy. Plus, they get to practice simple addition skills.
Let's take the kids to the circus and combine literacy and numeracy skills! Our circus math printable worksheet will encourage creativity and higher-order thinking by connecting addition to real-life examples. Kids will learn to love math while they explore the fun, real-life applications of math. Ignite their passion today!
Learning to write numbers can be easy and fun! Get this new number worksheet to help your child excel. Practice counting, tracing and writing the number “one”, then circle the fish with “1” on them. Revise spelling and have fun! Get more tracing numbers worksheets at Kids Academy and enjoy the learning process.
Count the pieces of the puzzle - there are four. Trace the number and write it. Circle the animals with four feet. Trace the word "four" too. Kids Academy offers tracing numbers worksheets for preschoolers, making studies easy and effective.