Check out this FREE Kindergarten "Enhancing vocabulary" Trial Lesson!

Migrations and Hibernation

With answer key
  • Kindergarten
  • Interactive
  • Enhancing vocabulary
Suffix-ed Worksheet
Suffix-ed Worksheet

Suffix-ed Worksheet

Ask your kids if they know what suffixes are, and explain they are words added to the end of another word which changes the meaning. This worksheet focuses on the suffix -ed which shows something already happened. Help the kid in the picture find the past tense words.
Suffix-ed Worksheet
Migrate or Hibernate? Worksheet
Migrate or Hibernate? Worksheet

Migrate or Hibernate? Worksheet

Many animals survive by either migrating or hibernating when the weather changes. Migration involves traveling in flocks or herds to a more temperate climate, while hibernation is when animals stay in their homes and eat and sleep for a long period of time. Show your kids this worksheet and help them decide which strategy animals use to cope with the changing weather.
Migrate or Hibernate? Worksheet
Craft and Structure: Assessment 2 Worksheet 2
Craft and Structure: Assessment 2 Worksheet 2

Craft and Structure: Assessment 2 Worksheet 2

This fun printout with colorful illustrations will assess how much your kids pay attention to story time. Go through the pictures and help them circle the ones that match each part of the story. Stimulate their brains and have fun in the process!
Craft and Structure: Assessment 2 Worksheet 2
Counting: Assessment 3 Worksheet
Counting: Assessment 3 Worksheet

Counting: Assessment 3 Worksheet

This worksheet is great for assessing your child's counting skills. It's a bit more challenging than the usual 'count to fifty' exercises. Have them trace the lines and skip count by 10's to help them learn counting in tens.
Counting: Assessment 3 Worksheet
Manners at School Worksheet
Manners at School Worksheet

Manners at School Worksheet

Go through the worksheet with your child and ask which children are being rude or polite. Check the boxes for the polite children. Explain how to be well-behaved in school by following the examples of polite children. Help your child better their behaviour in school and the community.
Manners at School Worksheet
Types of Precipitation Worksheet
Types of Precipitation Worksheet

Types of Precipitation Printable

Science has a big impact on our world, and teaching kids about weather helps them understand how their learning applies to their lives. Our worksheet reviews different types of weather, so kids can look out the window and know what's happening. It covers familiar types of precipitation and more challenging ones like sleet or hail. Kids can use this to build a mental library of scientific knowledge for the future, even from places that don't get much snow.
Types of Precipitation Printable