Reading proficiency Normal Vowel Diphthongs Worksheets for Ages 4-8

Check out this FREE Trial Lesson on Vowel Diphthongs for age 4-8!

The OI/OY Vowel Pair

With answer key
  • 4-8
  • Interactive
  • Reading proficiency
  • Vowel Diphthongs
  • Normal
Is It EE, EA, or AY? Worksheet
Is It EE, EA, or AY? Worksheet

Is It EE, EA, or AY? Worksheet

When 'ee', 'ea' and 'ay' are in words, they usually make the long /e/ and /a/ sounds. Examples of words with 'ee' are "sheep", 'beach' and 'seat' with 'ea', and 'clay' and 'play' with 'ay'. Check this colourful worksheet with your kids; help them find the words that make the long /e/ sound like 'sheep'.
Is It EE, EA, or AY? Worksheet
Reading: OI and OY Worksheet
Reading: OI and OY Worksheet

Reading: OI and OY Worksheet

Ask your students if they know the rule for words with /oi/ or /oy/ sound. If not, it's easy to learn! Rule: If /oy/ at end of word, spell with 'oy'; if /oi/ in middle of word, spell with 'oi'. Use this worksheet to help them master these digraphs and improve their ability to decode.
Reading: OI and OY Worksheet