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Check out this FREE Trial Lesson on Chess Basics for age 4-9!

What Is Chess?

With answer key
  • 4-9
  • Interactive
  • Chess Basics
  • Normal
Chess Manners Worksheet
Chess Manners Worksheet

Chess Manners Worksheet

Teach your child chess manners in addition to table and social ones. Chess has clear rules and etiquette which must be followed for a proper game. Review this worksheet with your kid and discuss the pictures that show inappropriate behaviours. This will help them understand how to play the game correctly and with good manners.
Chess Manners Worksheet
What's My Name? Worksheet
What's My Name? Worksheet

What's My Name? Worksheet

Test your child's chess knowledge with this colorful worksheet! There are six pieces lined up with names underneath. Ask your child to name each piece, then check if it's correct. Help them succeed by brushing up on the different pieces and their names.
What's My Name? Worksheet
Changing Power of Chess Pieces Worksheet
Changing Power of Chess Pieces Worksheet

Changing Power of Chess Pieces Worksheet

Chess pieces have different power levels based on their position. When in the middle of the board, they are strongest; at the edges or blocked by other pieces, they are weakest. Help your child learn which pieces are in powerful positions by examining the worksheet.
Changing Power of Chess Pieces Worksheet
Chessboard Puzzle Worksheet
Chessboard Puzzle Worksheet

Chessboard Puzzle Worksheet

Test your child's chess prowess with this simple worksheet. They must find the missing pieces to complete the white side of an empty chessboard. The black pieces are already arranged properly on the board. Correct answers are provided so you can see how they did!
Chessboard Puzzle Worksheet
Setting up the Chessboard: Part 1 Worksheet
Setting up the Chessboard: Part 1 Worksheet

Setting up the Chessboard: Part 1 Worksheet

Teach your child the starting positions of the black and white armies on the chessboard. Black pieces are placed on ranks 7 and 8, and white pieces on ranks 1 and 2. Have them check the highlighted boxes on the chessboard to make sure they know the correct pieces to start with.
Setting up the Chessboard: Part 1 Worksheet
Find Diagonals Worksheet
Find Diagonals Worksheet

Find Diagonals Worksheet

Help your child learn the name of the lines that go through squares with this fun worksheet. Diagonals slant in left or right directions and create the same shape. Ask your child to identify the pictures with correctly drawn diagonals.
Find Diagonals Worksheet
Ranks and Files Worksheet
Ranks and Files Worksheet

Ranks and Files Worksheet

A chessboard has 8 horizontal ranks and 8 vertical files, each with 8 squares. Test your child's understanding of these directions with this fun worksheet!
Ranks and Files Worksheet
Position of the Chessboard: White on the Right Worksheet
Position of the Chessboard: White on the Right Worksheet

Position of the Chessboard: White on the Right Worksheet

Proper positioning of the chessboard and players is key. Before the game, make sure the white square is in the right-hand corner. A simple rhyme can help: "White on the right". Check pictures of kids at the chessboard to ensure correct positioning.
Position of the Chessboard: White on the Right Worksheet