Help your child become familiar with uppercase and lowercase letters. Have them look at the pictures in the worksheet and circle the lowercase letter the picture starts with. For example: which one is the lowercase "i", the capital "I" or the small "i"?
Help your child spot the lowercase letters among the numbers and uppercase letters in this worksheet. It's a great way to teach them to identify and write the lowercase and uppercase letters. Assist them in completing the exercise to give them a better understanding of the alphabets.
Help your child identify lowercase letters with this worksheet. Carefully look at each letter and have your child circle the lowercase ones. This exercise is vital in helping them understand the alphabet and the difference between lower and uppercase letters.
Download the worksheet! Help your youngster to learn the alphabet and distinguish uppercase from lowercase letters by having them circle the uppercase ones. It's an important first step towards reading and writing success!
Trace and write the letter K; start at the big red dot. Use it to complete words like "Kettle" and "Kangaroo". Visit Kids Academy for more free alphabet worksheets for kindergarten.