Explore Exciting Physical Science Worksheets for Kids Aged 6-7 – Fun and Educational Activities to Spark Curiosity - Page 2


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What Makes Sound?

With answer key
  • 6-7
  • Interactive
  • Physical Science
  • Normal
Sources of Light Worksheet
Sources of Light Worksheet

Sources of Light Worksheet

Help your child explore sources of light with this printout exercise. Ask them if they know the sun is the reason for day and night. Then point out other common light sources, then work together to guide them through the maze from start to finish.
Sources of Light Worksheet
Is It a Light Source? Worksheet
Is It a Light Source? Worksheet

Is It a Light Source? Worksheet

This worksheet is a fun way to teach kids about light sources. Children must identify natural sources like the sun and lightning, and man-made sources such as candles and lamps. Ask them to look at each object and check the box to indicate if it's a light source or not.
Is It a Light Source? Worksheet
Vibrations and Sounds Worksheet
Vibrations and Sounds Worksheet

Vibrations and Sounds Worksheet

Many objects, creatures, and things make sounds. People talk, animals bark, hiss or meow, and things make sounds too. Ask your students to name others that produce sounds and why they do, such as when a drum is hit with a stick. Get them to learn about vibrations and cause/effect in this fun worksheet and check the answers.
Vibrations and Sounds Worksheet
Sounds Are Everywhere! Worksheet
Sounds Are Everywhere! Worksheet

Sounds Are Everywhere! Worksheet

Ask your students to recall objects that make sound. Then, help them identify the sources of sound in the pictures of this worksheet.
Sounds Are Everywhere! Worksheet
Matter: Assessment 2 Worksheet
Matter: Assessment 2 Worksheet

Matter: Assessment 2 Worksheet

Identify the five objects in this worksheet as either solid or liquid. Ask your kids to check the correct box. Melting changes solids to liquids while freezing transforms liquids to solids.
Matter: Assessment 2 Worksheet
Matter: Assessment 1 Worksheet
Matter: Assessment 1 Worksheet

Matter: Assessment 1 Worksheet

Have your children learn that anything that has weight and takes up space is matter. Examples include buses, tables, people, animals, and more. Use this worksheet to help them identify the objects and circle the soft, red, and small one; the liquid; and the smooth, black, and round one.
Matter: Assessment 1 Worksheet
States of Matter: Freezing and Melting Worksheet
States of Matter: Freezing and Melting Worksheet

States of Matter: Freezing and Melting Worksheet

Have students look through the pics in the worksheet. Ask them what changes of state are shown, then trace the lines to the right answers. Matter can come in liquid or solid form, and changes between the two when heated or cooled (melting/freezing).
States of Matter: Freezing and Melting Worksheet
Matter all Around Worksheet
Matter all Around Worksheet

Matter all Around Worksheet

Have you taught your students about matter? Use this worksheet to help them understand that matter is anything that has weight and takes up space, either as a solid, liquid, or gas. Guide them to trace the line to the correct form of matter as they look at the pictures. This will be easy if they already know the topic, but it's also a great opportunity to teach them.
Matter all Around Worksheet
Observing Properties Worksheet
Observing Properties Worksheet

Observing Properties Worksheet

Encourage your kid's interest in science with this fun worksheet! Let them identify the five objects on the left, then choose the most accurate word from the options on the right. There might be more than one answer, so remind them to take their time observing the objects.
Observing Properties Worksheet
Force and Interactions: Assessment 1 Worksheet
Force and Interactions: Assessment 1 Worksheet

Force and Interactions: Assessment 1 Worksheet

Test your students' knowledge of pushing, pulling, ramps and wind with this worksheet. The first task requires them to identify push or pull pictures. The second asks them to identify a ramp and the third to explain which direction a ball will move when exposed to wind.
Force and Interactions: Assessment 1 Worksheet
Force and Interactions: Review 2 Worksheet
Force and Interactions: Review 2 Worksheet

Force and Interactions: Review 2 Worksheet

Your child can identify force examples by checking the pictures. There are 8 images of kids engaging in activities and objects in motion. Get them to name the activities and objects, or if they know, explain force and interaction.
Force and Interactions: Review 2 Worksheet
Force and Interactions: Review 1 Worksheet
Force and Interactions: Review 1 Worksheet

Force and Interactions: Review 1 Worksheet

See how well your child can identify the different forces. Explain to your child that force is what causes objects to move, such as wind blowing a branch or an object going down a ramp. Ask them to circle images that show a force and assess how well they can identify them.
Force and Interactions: Review 1 Worksheet
Ramps Worksheet
Ramps Worksheet

Ramps Worksheet

If your child has seen a ramp, they'll find this worksheet easy. A ramp is sloped for objects to move quickly downwards. The printout has images of objects on different ramps. Ask your child to identify which object will move faster.
Ramps Worksheet
Ramps All Around us Worksheet
Ramps All Around us Worksheet

Ramps All Around us Worksheet

Ask your kids if they know what ramps are, then have them give you examples of places they've seen them. This worksheet has pictures of ramps - have your child identify and circle them.
Ramps All Around us Worksheet
Push or Pull Sorting Worksheet
Push or Pull Sorting Worksheet

Push or Pull Sorting Worksheet

Show your child the pictures in this worksheet. Ask them to tell you what each child is doing. Then, ask them to identify whether it's an example of pushing or pulling. Ask if they know what these terms mean and if they can provide examples.
Push or Pull Sorting Worksheet
Will it Move? Worksheet
Will it Move? Worksheet

Will it Move? Worksheet

Does your child know about force? If yes/no, this worksheet can help. Force is invisible - like wind - but it moves objects. Ask your child to complete the maze, following the path of items moved by the wind. 80 words.
Will it Move? Worksheet
Which Direction Will it Go? Worksheet
Which Direction Will it Go? Worksheet

Which Direction Will it Go? Worksheet

Explain to your students: when objects are blown by wind, they will move in the opposite direction. In the worksheet, there are pictures of wind sources and objects being blown by the wind. Ask your child to identify and check the direction each object will move.
Which Direction Will it Go? Worksheet
Down it Goes Worksheet
Down it Goes Worksheet

Down it Goes Worksheet

Explain gravity to your child using this fun worksheet. Ask them to give examples of things pulled down with force, then instruct them to circle the pictures that show this. It's a great way to help them understand the concept of gravity.
Down it Goes Worksheet
Simple machines worksheet PDF
Simple machines worksheet PDF

Simple Machines Worksheet

Let this colorfully illustrated PDF introduce your child to the physical science behind everyday tools and objects. Learn about simple machines like levers, pulleys, and screws – helping make our daily lives easier!
Simple Machines Worksheet
Interesting reversible irreversible changes worksheet
Interesting reversible irreversible changes worksheet

Reversible Irreversible Changes Worksheet

Crack an egg and cook it – once it's done, there's no return to its original state.
Reversible Irreversible Changes Worksheet
Basics Of Sound Worksheet
Basics Of Sound Worksheet

Basics Of Sound Worksheet

Sound is the result of vibrations. As a violinist creates music on her instrument, we can observe how the vibrations start and stop, producing a pleasing sound. This worksheet helps kids understand the basics of physical science behind sound.
Basics Of Sound Worksheet
Simple machines pulley worksheet
Simple machines pulley worksheet

Simple Machines Pulley Worksheet

Pulleys make everyday life easier, from flag poles to elevators. This worksheet helps kids recognize and appreciate how pulleys simplify our lives. They'll learn about the many practical uses for these simple rope and wheel systems.
Simple Machines Pulley Worksheet
Simple machines inclined plane worksheet
Simple machines inclined plane worksheet

Simple Machines Inclined Plane Worksheet

This fun worksheet will help them increase their science skills while they have fun.
Simple Machines Inclined Plane Worksheet
Position and motion worksheets for grade 2
Position and motion worksheets for grade 2

Position and Motion Worksheet

Take a trip to the park and explore motion and position with fun worksheets! Take your child's science knowledge to a whole new level with Kids Academy's grade 2 position and motion worksheets! Explore motion and position with fun worksheets while taking a trip to the park. Strengthen their understanding of physics and how people and objects move through space.
Position and Motion Worksheet

Normal Physical Science worksheets for Ages 6-7 stand as a fundamental tool in the early education of young learners. At this crucial developmental stage, children are naturally curious about the world around them, making it the perfect time to introduce concepts of physical science in a manner that is both engaging and understandable. These worksheets are designed specifically to cater to the intellectual and cognitive level of 6-7-year-olds, ensuring that the material is not only accessible but also intriguing.

The use of Normal Physical Science worksheets for Ages 6-7 fosters a hands-on learning experience. Through carefully crafted activities, children are able to explore basic principles of physical science, such as gravity, magnetism, and the states of matter, in a concrete and tangible way. This approach not only enhances their comprehension but also retains their interest and curiosity, encouraging further exploration and inquiry.

Furthermore, these worksheets are instrumental in developing critical thinking and problem-solving skills. As children engage with the exercises, they learn to observe, hypothesize, and deduce, laying the foundation for scientific thinking and reasoning. This early exposure to scientific concepts through Normal Physical Science worksheets paves the way for a lifelong interest in science and technology, emphasizing the importance of nurturing young minds with quality educational resources.