Before doing this worksheet, explain to your kids what a hotel is. It's a building where guests can stay for a few days and pay for their stay. In this exercise, the hotel clerk needs help finding the correct keys. Have your kids circle words ending with -el to find the right ones.
Remind the kids that caterpillars turn into butterflies! This worksheet helps them practice their vowel sounds. They must trace the path of words that sound like ‘lie’ to help the caterpillar reach the finish line. It's a fun way to learn and explore!
Feed the dragon words and watch your child strengthen their phonological awareness and auditory discrimination skills! Download this free PDF for tracing exercises that build their fine motor skills too. Kids will love spending time with the cute dragon while they unwittingly learn reading skills!
Help your new readers have fun and build their sight word vocabulary! Guide the mice to their prize cheese by having them trace the route on the worksheet, using words with the long o and long i sounds. But watch out for the kitty!