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Discover the joy of writing with our Normal Writing worksheets, specially designed for Ages 8-9! These engaging and educational worksheets are tailored to help young learners develop their writing skills in a fun and interactive way. From crafting simple sentences to exploring creative storytelling, our worksheets offer a variety of activities that cater to the unique learning pace of each child. Ideal for both classroom and home use, our Normal Writing worksheets for Ages 8-9 are the perfect tool to inspire confidence, enhance literacy skills, and ignite a lifelong passion for writing. Embark on a writing adventure with us today!

Check out this FREE Trial Lesson on Writing for age 8-9!

Short and Long Vowel Sort

With answer key
  • 8-9
  • Interactive
  • Writing
  • Normal
Article Ants Worksheet
Article Ants Worksheet

Article Ants Worksheet

Help your child master using "a" and "an" with this fun worksheet! Remind them that "an" goes with vowel sounds, while "a" is used for consonants. Have them check the right box next to each word to complete the activity.
Article Ants Worksheet
Tasty Verbs Worksheet
Tasty Verbs Worksheet

Tasty Verbs Worksheet

Verbs can show actions, past events, and future happenings. Master present tense verbs with this cookie-themed worksheet! Read the verbs on each cookie and help kids form sentences using the word in present tense. Circle the correct answers for each cookie. Give them a tasty treat while learning something new!
Tasty Verbs Worksheet
Where Are Pronouns? Worksheet
Where Are Pronouns? Worksheet

Where Are Pronouns? Worksheet

Pronouns make language flow, substituting "he" or "she" for names. Kids know and use them in their speech, but identifying pronouns in grammar helps build writing skills. This worksheet challenges kids to pick out pronouns from other nouns. Go through the worksheet, view the pictures and read the words. Ask kids to check boxes in front of pronouns to mark answers.
Where Are Pronouns? Worksheet
Adjectives in Sentences Worksheet
Adjectives in Sentences Worksheet

Adjectives in Sentences Worksheet

Our learners can find it hard to use writing to add detail, but adjectives can help. With this fun worksheet, kids can identify adjectives that describe food and drink. Guide them through each sentence, discussing the words and having them choose the one that gives information about the food/drink.
Adjectives in Sentences Worksheet
Adjectives: At The Zoo Worksheet
Adjectives: At The Zoo Worksheet

Adjectives: At The Zoo Worksheet

Take your kids to the zoo and ask them about their favorite activities and animals. This worksheet is a great way for kids to learn about adjectives. Explain that adjectives describe nouns like people or animals (e.g. big, tall, dark). Look at the printout with your kids and help them circle words that describe the animals in the picture.
Adjectives: At The Zoo Worksheet
Adverb Shells Worksheet
Adverb Shells Worksheet

Adverb Shells Worksheet

Help your kids understand adverbs by giving them an example with an adverb. Ask them to point it out. Adverbs often end with –ly. Give them a worksheet to circle adverbs in a picture. This way, they'll easily identify them in a sentence.
Adverb Shells Worksheet
Adverbs That Tell Where Worksheet
Adverbs That Tell Where Worksheet

Adverbs That Tell Where Worksheet

Help your kids identify adverbs with a fun worksheet. Read the words aloud and ask them to circle the adverbs showing 'where.' Give them easy examples, like 'the girl stood over there.' See if they can create their own examples. This activity makes learning adverbs fun!
Adverbs That Tell Where Worksheet
Starfish Adverbs Worksheet
Starfish Adverbs Worksheet

Starfish Adverbs Worksheet

Students will gain exposure to new words and parts of speech as they learn more. After nouns and verbs, adverbs are next. Ask students to give examples, like ‘quickly’ and ‘heavily’. Finally, help them circle the starfish that answer the question 'how often?' on the worksheet.
Starfish Adverbs Worksheet
Adverbs That Tell us When Worksheet
Adverbs That Tell us When Worksheet

Adverbs That Tell us When Worksheet

Explain to your kids what an adverb is - a word which adds meaning to a verb - and provide simple examples. Ask them if they can also give examples. Now, help them circle adverbs which tell the time when an action occurred in this worksheet.
Adverbs That Tell us When Worksheet
Dinner Time! Worksheet
Dinner Time! Worksheet

Dinner Time! Worksheet

Help your child learn about the Pilgrims by completing this worksheet! The Pilgrims set sail on the Mayflower in 1620 and colonized America, meeting the Native Americans already living there and picking up some of their traditions, like Thanksgiving dinner. Check the nouns in the picture and help your child set the table with the celebratory turkey!
Dinner Time! Worksheet
The Native Americans Worksheet
The Native Americans Worksheet

The Native Americans Worksheet

Ask your students who the Native Americans are and give them a history lesson if needed. Read the text about the Native Americans and circle the past tense verbs. The text describes events that occurred when the first Pilgrims arrived in America.
The Native Americans Worksheet
Tracing Fun Worksheet
Tracing Fun Worksheet

Tracing Fun Worksheet

Believe it or not, good handwriting helps with reading! Starting at the top left and writing legibly builds reading skills. This free worksheet helps little learners practice basic sight words. Red dots show them where to start and the words provide reinforcement without them realising. An enjoyable way to boost their reading and writing.
Tracing Fun Worksheet
White Tracing Color Words Worksheet
White Tracing Color Words Worksheet

White Tracing Color Words Worksheet

This fun worksheet helps children learn color words quickly. They trace the letters and circle pictures of the color. This helps them practice reading and identifying objects, and they can do it without needing to read phonetically. Download it now and watch your child's skill grow!
White Tracing Color Words Worksheet
Phonics and Word Recognition: Assessment 3 Worksheet
Phonics and Word Recognition: Assessment 3 Worksheet

Phonics and Word Recognition: Assessment 3 Worksheet

Silent letters can be tricky for kids learning to read and write. Show them how they work with words like 'knee' and 'dumb'. Then, challenge them to come up with their own. Give them a worksheet with silent letters and trace the lines to join the letters into words.
Phonics and Word Recognition: Assessment 3 Worksheet
Phonics and Word Recognition: Assessment 2 Worksheet
Phonics and Word Recognition: Assessment 2 Worksheet

Phonics and Word Recognition: Assessment 2 Worksheet

Help your kids learn proper pronunciation by counting syllables. Most words they'll encounter have 1-3 syllables, making them simple to say. Have them repeat the words in your worksheet after you. Focus on longer words with more than two syllables.
Phonics and Word Recognition: Assessment 2 Worksheet
Phonics and Word Recognition: Assessment 1 Worksheet
Phonics and Word Recognition: Assessment 1 Worksheet

Phonics and Word Recognition: Assessment 1 Worksheet

Explain prefixes (words added to start of another word to give it a new meaning) and suffixes (added to end of word to change its meaning) to your kids with examples like 'unhappy' (prefix) and 'forgetful' (suffix). Now, help your child complete this worksheet, including circling words and checking boxes.
Phonics and Word Recognition: Assessment 1 Worksheet
Greek and Latin Roots Worksheet
Greek and Latin Roots Worksheet

Greek and Latin Roots Worksheet

English borrows lots of words from other languages, and it has many ties to Greek and Latin. For example, 'tri', 'sub' and 'tele' (all from Greek and Latin) mean 'three', 'under' and 'distance' respectively. Help your child understand the meanings of words by having them work through a maze with words from these languages.
Greek and Latin Roots Worksheet
Action! Worksheet
Action! Worksheet

Action! Worksheet

Most English words are borrowed, and prefixes and suffixes are added to change the meaning. A popular prefix is 'act', from the Greek root meaning 'to do'. With your kids, look at the words in this worksheet and circle those with the root 'act'.
Action! Worksheet
There, Their, They're Worksheet
There, Their, They're Worksheet

There, Their, They're Worksheet

Explain to your kids the difference between 'there', 'their' and 'they're'. These three words are homophones - spelt similarly but with different meanings. Help them choose the correct homophones when completing sentences, and trace the line to the right word.
There, Their, They're Worksheet
How Meaningful! Worksheet
How Meaningful! Worksheet

How Meaningful! Worksheet

'Meaningful' is used to describe something that carries importance to someone else. For example, calling friends on their birthdays. The suffix -ful can also be added to other words to create new meanings; try this with your kids and help them check the correct suffix to complete the sentence.
How Meaningful! Worksheet
Decoding Multisyllabic Words Worksheet
Decoding Multisyllabic Words Worksheet

Decoding Multisyllabic Words Worksheet

Ask your kids what their favorite fruits are. Show them the 4 images and point to each one, asking them what it's called. Help them circle the correct word choice for each one. Fruits are a healthy and delicious way to eat; get your kids to identify them!
Decoding Multisyllabic Words Worksheet
How Many Syllables Worksheet
How Many Syllables Worksheet

How Many Syllables Worksheet

Draw up memories of sunny beach days with your child. Ask them to tell you their favourite activities, objects seen. Read the words in the picture aloud and help them count the syllables. Then check the box with the right number of syllables.
How Many Syllables Worksheet
Breaking Apart Words Worksheet
Breaking Apart Words Worksheet

Breaking Apart Words Worksheet

Break words into syllables to make them easier to say correctly. Say each word carefully aloud and get kids to circle the correctly broken apart word in the pair to show the syllables. This worksheet has four words to practice with.
Breaking Apart Words Worksheet
Count Them Up Worksheet
Count Them Up Worksheet

Count Them Up Worksheet

This worksheet has four colorful pictures. Ask your students to identify and name each image, then count the syllables in the word. Make them repeat the word after you, and check off the box with the correct number of syllables. Mastering the art of counting goes beyond numbers. Get your students counting syllables with this activity!
Count Them Up Worksheet

Normal Writing worksheets designed for Ages 8-9 play a pivotal role in the educational journey of young learners. At this crucial age, children are in the process of refining their reading and writing skills, and these worksheets offer a structured way to enhance their capabilities.

Firstly, these worksheets are tailored specifically for the developmental stage of 8-9-year-olds, focusing on the complexity of tasks that are just right for their age. This ensures that the exercises neither overwhelm nor bore the students, keeping their engagement and motivation high.

Moreover, Normal Writing worksheets encourage consistent practice, which is essential for mastering the art of writing. By regularly working through these exercises, children develop a stronger grasp of grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure. They also learn to organize their thoughts and express themselves clearly and coherently, skills that are invaluable both in and out of the classroom.

Additionally, these worksheets provide opportunities for creativity and self-expression. Through varied tasks, such as story writing, opinion pieces, and descriptive paragraphs, children can explore different writing styles. This not only enhances their writing proficiency but also boosts their confidence in their ability to communicate effectively.

In conclusion, Normal Writing worksheets for Ages 8-9 are an indispensable tool in nurturing young writers. They offer a balanced mix of challenge and support, paving the way for children to achieve proficiency in writing, which is a key component of their academic success and personal growth.