Spelling Skills Normal Grammar Worksheets for 8-Year-Olds

Check out this FREE Trial Lesson on Grammar for age 8!

Distinguish Between Words with Long A and Short A

With answer key
  • 8
  • Interactive
  • Spelling Skills
  • Grammar
  • Normal
Phonics and Word Recognition: Assessment 2 Worksheet
Phonics and Word Recognition: Assessment 2 Worksheet

Phonics and Word Recognition: Assessment 2 Worksheet

Help your kids learn proper pronunciation by counting syllables. Most words they'll encounter have 1-3 syllables, making them simple to say. Have them repeat the words in your worksheet after you. Focus on longer words with more than two syllables.
Phonics and Word Recognition: Assessment 2 Worksheet
How is it spelled? Worksheet
How is it spelled? Worksheet

How is it spelled? Worksheet

Perceiving right and wrong spellings is vital for reading, writing and honing editing skills. This stimulating worksheet lets children practice recognizing and selecting wrongly spelled words, which is essential for correct spelling and writing well-polished drafts.
How is it spelled? Worksheet
Long and Short Vowel A Worksheet
Long and Short Vowel A Worksheet

Long and Short Vowel A Spelling Worksheet

Help your child learn tricky spellings by focusing on vowel sounds. Read about each one, see examples and work through the long and short vowel A worksheet. Your child will be able to sound out words to determine if the vowel is long or short.
Long and Short Vowel A Spelling Worksheet