If your kids love poems, get them to recite some to you or have them write their own. Use this worksheet to help them find words that rhyme. Read the short poems and have them check the highlighted words for rhyming.
Poems are a great way to express emotions and spark imagination. Does your child enjoy poetry and even have their own creations? If so, they'll love this worksheet. It's a great way to develop their rhyming skills. Challenge them to find and circle the words that rhyme with the ones underlined.
Learning sight words is key for strong readers. Kids with large word bases find reading simpler, since they don't have to decode words they already know. This free worksheet uses the word 'can' to help kids improve their visual discrimination and refine motor skills, while providing pictures to help them along.
Want to check your child's vocabulary? This worksheet has kids identify objects from school through picture clues. It reinforces reading and fine motor skills, while providing an assessment of their reading growth and needs.
Brother and sister took a walk in the woods to connect with nature and get some exercise. As they went, they noted different things like birds and plants, which they share in this story. Read it to your little ones, and help them check off the items the two saw. It's a great way to learn about nature and enjoy the outdoors.
Rhyming helps kids understand language, read and write better. This printable worksheet boosts problem-solving and cognitive skills with vibrant pictures. It teaches kids to identify words, recognize rhymes, complete mental tasks and write words. An extra activity: show them how rhyming words share some of the same letters.
This worksheet is great for honing pre-reading skills. It helps kids make connections between pictures and written words, use problem-solving, and recognize sounds and words that rhyme. Have fun exploring rhyming words with your child, and they'll be rhyming in no time!