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Cause and Effect Worksheet
Cause and Effect Worksheet

Cause and Effect Worksheet

Help your kids understand the cause-effect relationship of sentences by having them complete this worksheet. There are four incomplete sentences at the top and four options at the bottom. Have them select the appropriate letter for the effect of each cause. This will be the first step to their future of composing grammatically correct and meaningful sentences.
Cause and Effect Worksheet
Robin Hood Folktale Worksheet
Robin Hood Folktale Worksheet

Robin Hood Folktale Worksheet

Have your child practice reading comprehension and inferencing with this Robin Hood folktale worksheet! Get them to read between the lines to find character motivation and answer important questions about the passage. It's a fun way to test their reading skills!
Robin Hood Folktale Worksheet
Cause and effect worksheets for 2nd grade
Cause and effect worksheets for 2nd grade

Indentifying Cause and Effect Worksheet

2nd grade cause & effect worksheets give your child practice making connections between events and their results. Fun activities help develop reading and critical thinking skills.
Indentifying Cause and Effect Worksheet
The Boy Who Cried Wolf: Cause and Effect
The Boy Who Cried Wolf: Cause and Effect

The Boy Who Cried Wolf: Cause and Effect Worksheet

With classic stories and fables, learning reading comprehension is easy - and fun!
The Boy Who Cried Wolf: Cause and Effect Worksheet