Check out this FREE Grade 2 "Attention to Detail" Trial Lesson!

Irregular Past Tense Verbs

With answer key
  • Grade 2
  • Interactive
  • Attention to Detail
  • Normal
Take a Look - Part 1 Worksheet
Take a Look - Part 1 Worksheet

Take a Look - Part 1 Worksheet

Young learners gain understanding when using picture clues when reading. Looking at illustrations can help students learn the meaning of key vocabulary when reading fiction or informational text. Ask your students to look at the worksheet and observe what they can learn from the picture. It's a great comprehension strategy for early readers.
Take a Look - Part 1 Worksheet
Notation of Captures Writing it Down Worksheet
Notation of Captures Writing it Down Worksheet

Notation of Captures Writing it Down Worksheet

To teach students how to record captures in chess, use this worksheet. Write down the piece's short name, start sq., and the sq. where it captures, separating them with an X. For example, Rd2Xd4 means a rook moved d2 to d4 and took a piece. Pawn captures don't need a name.
Notation of Captures Writing it Down Worksheet