Help your kids learn phonetics! Explain the different sounds and long/short variations. Emphasize that some vowel sounds are the same, e.g. ou = ow in cow. For practice, have them read aloud the words in the worksheet and check the box next to the spelling that matches the picture.
Students are asked to circle all prefixes on this worksheet and brainstorm a list of words that have them. It's a great tool for teaching vocabulary and helps students understand new and unfamiliar words by recognizing how prefixes change meaning.
This worksheet helps kids recognize that /au/ and /aw/ can make the same sound. Students read sentences and pick the correct word with one of the digraphs. Understanding digraphs improves decoding and reading fluency. Perfect for reading and phonics classes.
Teaching reading? This worksheet can help! Students read the word and draw a line to the picture for clues if needed. This will boost their vocabulary and fluency, increasing confidence and reading skills. Watch their progress as new words are added!
See if students understand syllables with this fun worksheet. It teaches them that a syllable is a word part with a vowel sound. Kids read each word and choose how many parts it has. Doing this often helps them decode new words and gain confidence.
Students can have fun and strengthen spelling and vocabulary skills with this word search worksheet. Search for animal words and circle the letters in the puzzle. Words can be found forwards, backwards, horizontally or vertically, providing a great challenge to foster critical thinking skills. An enriching activity for all ages!
Perceiving right and wrong spellings is vital for reading, writing and honing editing skills. This stimulating worksheet lets children practice recognizing and selecting wrongly spelled words, which is essential for correct spelling and writing well-polished drafts.
Beginning readers may struggle with -ea vowel digraphs, which can have multiple sounds and be tricky to decode. This cheerful worksheet helps kids practice reading sentences with missing -ea words, using context clues to fill in the blanks. They'll also be exposed to various -ea sound examples, and build their sight word knowledge.
Encourage writing and spelling practice with this vibrant free handwriting worksheet. Have your child trace the new name of a primary color, "green," and circle green items in the picture. Ask them what else can be green for a challenging activity. Through this worksheet, your kindergartener can learn and play at the same time. For more free printables, look here.
Trace 'pink' with a pink crayon for an exciting handwriting lesson! Build fine motor skills and learn about sight words with this fun printable. Get creative and give it a splash of color for a colorful learning experience. For more tracing color words, explore here.