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With answer key
  • Grade 2
  • Interactive
  • Estimation skills
  • Math
What's an Array? Worksheet
What's an Array? Worksheet

What's an Array? Worksheet

Explain to your child that an array is a group of objects, pictures, or numbers in columns and rows. Show them a rectangular array is a group of objects in equal rows and columns. Guide them to check the pictures in the worksheet to spot any rectangular arrays. Help them remember this concept.
What's an Array? Worksheet
Haunted House Estimates Worksheet
Haunted House Estimates Worksheet

Haunted House Estimates Worksheet

Enliven your kid's learning with this printable worksheet! Have them estimate the size of objects and creatures in a haunted house, then circle the ones that match their estimates. They'll need to understand different measuring units beforehand. It's an exciting way to learn!
Haunted House Estimates Worksheet