Check out this FREE Grade 3 "Problem solving enhancement" Trial Lesson!

Special Moves: En Passant

With answer key
  • Grade 3
  • Interactive
  • Problem solving enhancement
Notation of Checkmate Worksheet
Notation of Checkmate Worksheet

Notation of Checkmate Worksheet

Checkmate is the thrilling, ultimate move in chess! Teach your child to make it and notate it properly with this free worksheet. They'll love being able to capture the king and it's great for brain-building too! Have them look at the sample boards and place a # sign after the checkmate move for notation.
Notation of Checkmate Worksheet
En Passant: Writing it Down Worksheet
En Passant: Writing it Down Worksheet

En Passant: Writing it Down Worksheet

Properly documenting moves in chess is often overlooked. En passant captures require your child to note the starting and ending squares (e.g. d5xe6) with an "X" in between them. Ask your children to review the worksheet and ensure they've notated the captures correctly. (80 words)
En Passant: Writing it Down Worksheet