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We’re Going to Celebrate Halloween!

Oct. 25, 2022

Hello everyone!

Do your kids like Halloween? Most likely your answer is YES! Halloween is a favorite holiday for kids because of collecting sweets and quality family time when trick-or-treating or playing “spooktacular” games! Halloween fun, games, and costumes develop children's creativity, freedom for making decisions, and communication skills both with peers and grown-ups.

 This week we’ve also been preparing for the holiday! We are excited to offer enrollment into the Talented and Gifted app at a special Halloween discount offer! 

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(Save $13.46! Pay just $6.53 monthly instead of $19.99 for a monthly subscription.)


The Talented and Gifted app is an educational platform created for children aged 2-8 in close collaboration with experts in early childhood development and education. Our product is appealing and easy to grasp both for parents and children while retaining a good learn-and-play balance and offering top-class learning materials. You’ll find not only Halloween-themed activities but also more than 5,000 play-and-learn activities at your disposal. Included are on-screen and print-out worksheets, animated and teacher-guided videos, interactive quizzes and fun learning games. With Kids Academy, your child follows grade-aligned curricula in Math, English Language Arts, Science, Social Studies and other subjects. The teacher-driven approach allows the app to correspond with both  New York State Next Generation Learning Standards (Pre-K) or Common Core State Standards (Grades K—3).

Check Out Our Favorite Halloween Activities!


Let's learn the Halloween version of the Hickory Dickory Dock Song together!

Together with our teacher Michael and a small witch, investigate curious Halloween word problems:

Complete online this interactive worksheet!

Don't forget to subscribe to our Youtube channel so that you won't miss updates and watch more funny educational videos on Science, Math, History, Chess and other learning activities!


Follow up teaching videos and games with practice! Facilitate and enrich your child's learning with these funny and Halloween-themed worksheets:

(They are all clickable! You may click on them and get started passing through!)

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Gaming Activities

For those who prefer live practice, we offer to try  10 thrilling STEM activities!

Merry Halloween!

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