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Daily Knowledge Boost with Kids Academy: Multiplication for 3rd Grade

Dec. 26, 2024

A vital skill introduced in 3rd grade is multiplication. As like many other math concepts, understanding multiplication is the foundation for more advanced topics like division, fractions and algebra. Multiplication helps students better understand repeated addition, solve real world problems, and build number sense. Even further, mastering multiplication can help children improve their memory, gain confidence in their math skills, and improve their memory.

Today’s daily knowledge boost gives children the chance to practice different strategies to better understand how to solve multiplication problems. Children will relate addition to multiplication, understand arrays in multiplication, and the communicative property of multiplication. 

All the lessons can be accessed in the simple interactive Kids Academy Classroom interface. It allows you to use our ready-made lessons or create new ones, share them with your children and track your students’ progress.

Lesson 1: Relating Addition to Multiplication

In this lesson children will make connections between multiplication and addition. Children will apply their skills in practical situations that show how multiplication is essentially repeated addition.

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Activity Overview:

  • Groups of Fossils Worksheet:  Multiplication can be represented in groups.Match the correct group of fossils to match each sentence after in this fun fossil themed practice
  • Repeated Addition = Multiplication Worksheet: Get some more practice on this worksheet and check the multiplication equation that matches then circle the correct answer.

Brain Break 

It's important to make sure you are not over stimulating your student, especially with a foundational skill. Take a break with your learner with this fun song that reinforces a skill just learned! 

Lesson 2: Multiplication Arrays 

Students will learn to visualize multiplication as arrays in these next set of lessons. They will have the opportunity to practice this skill as well as learn about some historical figures. 

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Activity Overview: 

  • Ben Franklin’s Invention Arrays: Have fun learning about  how helpful things we use today were invented by people long ago.  Students will match each array to the correct multiplication fact by checking the box.  
  • Arrays of George Washington Worksheet: Check out George Washington Carver’s creation organized in arrays. Match each array to the correct multiplication fact.
  • Thomas Edison’s Invention Arrays  Worksheet: Look at Thomas Edison’s light bulb inventions on this fun worksheet. They are organized in arrays so students can match the correct multiplication fact.
  • Relating Addition to Multiplication and Arrays- Quiz: Test your child’s ability to relate addition to multiplication.

Brain Break

For this brain break enjoy a fun song that will regain your student’s attention with  a review of repeated addition.

Lesson 3: Commutative Property of Multiplication

Once your learner has gained some confidence with multiplication, take a challenge with this lesson on the commutative property  of multiplication. This strategy will help students’ become more efficient and make math problems easier.

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Activity Overview:

  • Birds of a Feather: Commutative Property  Worksheet: Use the commutative p;roperty to help solve the multiplication problems on this fun bird worksheet. Trace a line to connect the equations that match.
  • Balanced Equations Commutative Property Worksheet: Balance the scale with equal equations  on this exciting yet challenging worksheet.
  • Tug of War Commutative Property  Worksheet: Students will draw a line to the side with the matching equation while using the commutative property and the game of tug of war. 

Brain Break

Finish off the lessons with a review of the different types of multiplication properties. While this is a little more advanced it's a great spring into more complex topics and keep the learning going. 

Do you have a learner who is more independent? While the lessons above are designed for guided learning, check out our Talented and Gifted Online web app for a self-paced learning environment. This resource offers comprehensive courses on all the core subjects with a wide variety of activities tailored to keep learners both challenged and engaged!

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